Viewing Room #1. Human/Nature
Faig Ahmed, Paula Cortazar, Maria Elisabetta Novello
6 - 30 ottobre 2020
Viewing Room #1. Human/Nature
Faig Ahmed, Paula Cortazar, Maria Elisabetta Novello
6 - 30 ottobre 2020
Viewing Room #1. Human/Nature
Faig Ahmed, Paula Cortazar, Maria Elisabetta Novello
6 - 30 ottobre 2020
Martine Gutierrez | Berkeley, CA, 1989
Martine Gutierrez è nata a Berkeley (California) nel 1989 da padre guatemalteca e madre americana. L’artista attinge al suo background multiculturale e alla crescita tra le due coste degli Stati Uniti per esplorare l’identità attraverso performance, fotografia e film. Gutierrez si è diplomata alla Rhode Island School of Design nel 2012. Tra le principali mostre: “Martine Gutierrez: True Story”, Boston University Art Galleries; “Martine Gutierrez: We & Them & Me”, Contemporary Art Museum Raleigh, North Carolina; “Disturbing Innocence”, The Flag Art Foundation, New York; “About Face: Self-Portraiture in Contemporary Art”, Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, Hannover. Il suo lavoro è presente nella collezione permanente di Hood Museum of Art e del France Lehman Museum of Art. Gutierrez vive e lavora a Brooklyn.
Martine Gutierrez was born in Berkley, California in 1989 to a Guatemalan father and an American mother. She draws on this multicultural background and her bicoastal upbringing to explore identity through performance, photography, and film. Gutierrez received her BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design in 2012. Recent exhibitions include “Martine Gutierrez: True Story”, Boston University Art Galleries; “Martine Gutierrez: We & Them & Me”, Contemporary Art Museum Raleigh, North Carolina; “Disturbing Innocence”, The Flag Art Foundation, New York; “About Face: Self-Portraiture in Contemporary Art”, Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, Hannover, New Hampshire. Her work is held in the permanent collect of the Hood Museum of Art and the France Lehman Museum of Art. Gutierrez lives and works in Brooklyn.