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Paul Anthony Smith |  St. Ann's Bay, Giamaica 1988



Paul Anthony Smith realizza dipinti e collage di fotografie noti come picotage che mettono in discussione le potenzialità di una foto di conservare e raccontare la verità del passato di ognuno.
È cresciuto a Miami dove ha frequentato la New World School of the Arts e ha conseguito il BFA al Kansas City Art Institute. Vive e lavora a Brooklyn, New York City.
Il suo lavoro è stato acquisito da numerose collezioni pubbliche, tra cui recentemente il Minneapolis Institute of Art e il Blanton Museum presso l'Università del Texas, ad Austin. L'inclusione nelle mostre museali include di recente una mostra personale all'Atlanta Contemporary, una doppia personale al Philadelphia Photo Arts Centre e mostre collettive al New Museum, al Brooklyn Museum of Art, al Nasher Museum of Art, al Seattle Museum of Art, allo Studio Museum Harlem e al Nerman Museum of Contemporary Art, tra gli altri. A New York è rappresentato da ZieherSmith.



Paul Anthony Smith makes paintings and photo collages known as picotage that questions the potential of a photo to retain and tell the truth of ones past.

He was raised in Miami where he attended the New World School of the Arts and earned his BFA from the Kansas City Art Institute. He lives and works in Brooklyn, New York City.

His work has been acquired by numerous public collections, including most recently the Minneapolis Institute of Art and the Blanton Museum at the University of Texas, Austin. Inclusion in museum exhibitions most recently includes a solo show at the Atlanta Contemporary, a two person show at the Philadelphia Photo Arts Center, and group shows at the New Museum, Brooklyn Museum of Art, the Nasher Museum of Art, the Seattle Museum of Art, the Studio Museum Harlem, and the Nerman Museum of Contemporary Art, among others. In New York he is represented by ZieherSmith.




© 2018 - Galleria Anna Marra Srl

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