Viewing Room #1. Human/Nature
Faig Ahmed, Paula Cortazar, Maria Elisabetta Novello
6 - 30 ottobre 2020
Viewing Room #1. Human/Nature
Faig Ahmed, Paula Cortazar, Maria Elisabetta Novello
6 - 30 ottobre 2020
Viewing Room #1. Human/Nature
Faig Ahmed, Paula Cortazar, Maria Elisabetta Novello
6 - 30 ottobre 2020
Rebecca Brodskis | Francia, 1988
Ha trascorso gran parte dell’infanzia viaggiando e soggiornando tra Francia e Marocco. Brodskis ha poi vissuto a New York, Berlino, Tel-Aviv, Parigi.
Ha studiato Pittura presso l’Ateliers des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris e presso Central St. Martins College of Art and Design di Londra (2010). Inoltre, nel 2015 ha ottenuto un Masters Degree in Sociologia, approfondendo i temi della vulnerabilità e delle crisi sociali.
Esplorando i confini del mondo sensibile, il lavoro di Brodskis spazia tra spazi consci e inconsci, portando a una riflessione sull'esistenza, il sé e l'alterità. L'idea di essere in una via di mezzo è evidente nell'opera di Brodskis: uno spazio intermedio al crocevia tra realtà empirica e immaginazione, ordine e disordine, materialismo e spiritualità, determinismo e libertà.
Tra le mostre personali ricordiamo: Arrêt Sur Image, Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery, Londra (2021); Tomorrow Is Another Day, Steve Turner LA (2020); Fragments of Life, Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery, Berlino (2020); Galeriste with Hors Cadre, Parigi (2019); Septième Galerie, Parigi (2019); Unsettled disorders, Canopy Gallery, Netanya (2019); Dépendance, Gallery Mario Kreuzberg, Berlino (2019); Drifting Singularities, Sputnik Gallery, Tel Aviv (2017).
Il suo lavoro è presente in importanti collezioni sia pubbliche che private, tra cui: Alan Lo Collection (Hong Kong); Museum Azman Collection (Malaysia); Pamela and David Hornik Collection (USA); Selebe Yoon Collection (Senegal); The Beth Rudin Dewoody Collection (USA); Tiroche DeLeon Collection (Israele); Zeifang Collection (Germania).
Vive e lavora a Marsiglia.
She spent most of her childhood travelling and living between France and Morocco. Brodskis has later lived in New York, Berlin, Tel-Aviv, Paris.
She studied painting at the Ateliers des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris and at Central St. Martins College of Art and Design in London (2010). Additionally, in 2015 she completed a Masters Degree in Sociology on the themes of vulnerabilities and social crisis.
Exploring the borders of the sensible world, Brodskis’ work evolves between conscious and unconscious spaces, leading to a reflection on the existence, the self and the otherness. The idea of being in an in-between is very prominent in Brodskis work, this intermediate space at the cross-roads of empirical reality and imagination, order and disorder, materialism and spirituality, determinism and freedom.
Solo exhibitions include: Arrêt Sur Image, Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery, London (2021); Tomorrow Is Another Day, Steve Turner LA (2020); Fragments of Life, Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery, Berlin (2020); Galeriste with Hors Cadre, Paris (2019); Septième Galerie, Paris (2019); Unsettled disorders, Canopy Gallery, Netanya (2019); Dépendance, Gallery Mario Kreuzberg, Berlin (2019); Drifting Singularities, Sputnik Gallery, Tel Aviv (2017).
Her work is held in important private and public collections which include: Alan Lo Collection (Hong Kong); Museum Azman Collection (Malaysia); Pamela and David Hornik Collection (USA); Selebe Yoon Collection (Senegal); The Beth Rudin Dewoody Collection (USA); Tiroche DeLeon Collection (Israel); Zeifang Collection (Germany).
She lives and works in Marseille.