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Nate Lewis | Beaver Falls, PA, 1985 



Nate Lewis esplora la storia attraverso schemi, trame e ritmo, creando meditazioni di celebrazione e lamenti. Ha conseguito una laurea in infermieristica presso la VCU e ha praticato l'assistenza infermieristica in terapia intensiva negli ospedali della zona DC per nove anni. La prima ricerca artistica di Lewis è stata quella di suonare il violino nel 2008, seguito dal disegno nel 2010. Le opere di Lewis sono state esposte in Plumb Line: Charles White and the Contemporary presso The California African American Museum, The Studio Museum in Harlem, The Yale Centre for British Art, 21c Museum Hotels, The Armory Show, Paris Photo, Expo Chicago, Art Untitled Miami Beach, ed è attualmente in Men of Change: Power, Triumph, Truth, in tournée con i Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Services.

Residenze passate includono Pioneer Works e Dieu Donne.

Il lavoro di Lewis è nelle collezioni pubbliche del Baltimore Museum of Art, del Blanton Museum, dello Studio Museum di Harlem, del Grinnell College Museum of Art e del 21c Museum Hotels. Ha tenuto lezioni all'università di Yale come parte dell'Istituto razziale di immaginazione di Claudia Rankine, del Centro di arte britannica di Yale e della foto di Parigi.

Nato e cresciuto fuori Pittsburgh nella città di Beaver Falls, in Pennsylvania, attualmente vive e lavora tra New York e DC.

Nate Lewis explores history through patterns, textures, and rhythm, creating meditations of celebration and lamentations. He earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing from VCU, and practiced critical-care nursing in DC-area hospitals for nine years. Lewis’ first artistic pursuit was playing the violin in 2008, followed by drawing in 2010. Lewis’ work has been exhibited in Plumb Line: Charles White and the Contemporary at The California African American Museum, The Studio Museum in Harlem, The Yale Center for British Art, 21c Museum Hotels,The Armory Show, Paris Photo, Expo Chicago, Art Untitled Miami Beach, and is currently in Men of Change: Power, Triumph, Truth, touring with the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Services.

Past residencies include Pioneer Works and Dieu Donne.

Lewis’ work is in the public collections of the Baltimore Museum of Art, The Blanton Museum, The Studio Museum in Harlem, Grinnell College Museum of Art, and 21c Museum Hotels. He has lectured at Yale University as part of Claudia Rankine’s Racial Imaginary Institute, the Yale Center for British Art, and Paris Photo.

Born and raised outside of Pittsburgh in the town of Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, currently living and working between NYC and DC.


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