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Michael Ryan | Chicago, 1970



Michael Ryan ha studiato “Fine Art and Illustration” al Columbia College di Chicago. Attualmente vive e lavora a Brooklyn, New York.

Ryan realizza disegni in tecnica mista su carta. I suoi lavori, spesso di dimensioni monumentali, sono ispirati a fotografie di persone sconosciute risalenti a inizio ‘900. L’immagine di origine è usata dall’artista come punto di partenza per il suo complesso procedimento di addizione e alterazione che dà vita a lavori intricati, misteriosi e avvincenti.

Michael Ryan ha esposto a livello internazionale in mostre personali e collettive, fra cui: Wanwan Lei Projects e Giacobetti Paul Gallery a New York; Phoebus Gallery a Rotterdam; Project Plus a Londra.

Nel 2011 Ryan ha partecipato al “Dumbo Arts Festival” a Brooklyn e New York; nel 2013 ha ottenuto una borsa di studio con residenza presso la Marie Walsh Sharpe Foundation a Brooklyn, New York.




Michael Ryan studied Fine Art and Illustration at Columbia College of Chicago. He currently lives and works in Brooklyn, New York.

Ryan makes drawings of mixed media on paper. His works, often of monumental scale, are inspired by early 20th century found photographs of unknown people. The source image is used as a starting point for his complex process of additions and alterations that results in an intricate, mysterious and compelling work.

Michael Ryan has been shown internationally including solo and group exhibits at: Wanwan Lei Projects and Giacobetti Paul Gallery in New York; Phoebus Gallery in Rotterdam; and Project Plus in London.

In 2011, Ryan was part of the "Dumbo Arts Festival" in Brooklyn, New York; and in 2013, Michael Ryan was awarded a fellowship and residency at the Marie Walsh Sharpe Foundation in Brooklyn, New York. 




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