Viewing Room #1. Human/Nature
Faig Ahmed, Paula Cortazar, Maria Elisabetta Novello
6 - 30 ottobre 2020
Viewing Room #1. Human/Nature
Faig Ahmed, Paula Cortazar, Maria Elisabetta Novello
6 - 30 ottobre 2020
Viewing Room #1. Human/Nature
Faig Ahmed, Paula Cortazar, Maria Elisabetta Novello
6 - 30 ottobre 2020
Alexandria Smith | Bronx, NY 1981
Alexandria Smith è un'artista visiva multidisciplinare e co-organizzatrice del collettivo, Black Women Artists per Black Lives Matter (BWA per BLM).
Ha conseguito il BFA in Illustrazione presso l'Università di Syracuse, l’MA in Educazione Artistica presso la New York University e il MAE in Pittura e Disegno presso Parsons The New School for Design.
Smith è assegnataria di numerosi premi e residenze tra cui: MacDowell, Bemis e Yaddo; LMCC Process Space Residency Pollock-Krasner Grant, Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture Fellowship, Virginia A. Myers Fellowship presso l'Università dell'Iowa e Fine Arts Work Fellowship dal 2013 al 2015.
Le sue mostre recenti includono: la prima annuale Wanda D. Ewing Commission e mostra personale alla Union for Contemporary Art di Omaha, NE, una mostra collettiva itinerante dal titolo "Black Pulp" presso la Yale University, International Print Center NY (IPCNY), USF e Wesleyan University e una commissione per Centro di Schomburg per la ricerca sulla cultura nera. Il suo lavoro sarà incluso in una prossima mostra a marzo 2018 intitolata "The Lure of the Dark: Contemporary Painters Conjure the Night" presso MassMoCA.
Alexandria Smith is a mixed media visual artist and co-organizer of the collective, Black Women Artists for Black Lives Matter (BWA for BLM).
She earned her BFA in Illustration from Syracuse University, MA in Art Education from New York University, and MFA in Painting and Drawing from Parsons The New School for Design.
Smith is the recipient of numerous awards and residencies including: MacDowell, Bemis and Yaddo; LMCC Process Space Residency, a Pollock-Krasner Grant, the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture Fellowship, the Virginia A. Myers Fellowship at the University of Iowa and the Fine Arts Work Center Fellowship from 2013 - 2015.
Her recent exhibitions include: the first annual Wanda D. Ewing Commission and solo exhibit at The Union for Contemporary Art in Omaha, NE, a traveling group exhibition called “Black Pulp” at Yale University, International Print Center NY (IPCNY), USF and Wesleyan University and a commission for the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. Her work will be included in an upcoming exhibition in March 2018 called "The Lure of the Dark: Contemporary Painters Conjure the Night" at MassMoCA.