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Anna Caruso | Sei se ricordi

curated by Lorenzo Respi


October 6th - December 3rd, 2016


Anna Marra Contemporanea is delighted to present Remember to be, the first Anna Caruso’s solo show in Rome, curated by Lorenzo Respi.

The exhibition, which opens Thursday, October 6th, 2016, features twelve new paintings between the latest production by the artist. From the acrylics on canvas of the 2014, up to the works realized for this occasion.


Right from the beginning, the young painter embarked on an intense pictorial research that forced her to compare her with herself and to accept that she “was composed” of memories, experiences and restlessness.

The artist tells her life history on the canvas, in an enigmatic and almost obsessive way, transferring to it the outcroppings of her most intimate memories. So the temporal element is necessary and essential to understanding the complex narrative and iconographically sophisticated system that characterises her paintings: the filter of time, passing inexorably, distances each of us from “have been”, slowly transforming autobiographic events into reflections on the universal of the meaning of the memory.

Every canvas is a twining of several stories, every canvas is a palimpsest of fragments of life and every canvas traces the pictorial boundaries of the caesurae of time. Anna Caruso is constantly searching to recompose, reconstruct and rationalise her life to the certainties that, paradoxically, destiny will never allow her to have. All is chilled, the moment is frozen. So with this certainty denied her, she retreats into painting, where in composing of the picture she recreates an ideal world that protects her fondest memories and sends away those she finds most painful. This world faces the past and interrogates as regarding the future.

The choice of colours and their juxtaposition, the overlapping of the images – of men, women, children and animals –, the bulky abstract architecture and the mysterious woods in the background, even the titles of the works - (fotografie) in mancanza d’altro (2016), Senza domande si apre il bosco (2016), Il lutto di ciò che perderemo (2016) -, are the tesserae of an internal mosaic that visitors to the exhibition must patiently reassemble to understand the intimate existential message that Anna Caruso wants to transmit without however immediately revealing its meaning.


The catalogue of the show is edited by Gangemi and contains a text by the curator.






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